The class seemed to favourite idea number two. I expected this to happen as it is the most fun and very easy to visualise. However, my concern with this idea would be whether I can get the resources to create the rich and disorderly party atmosphere. I admire the fact that it will be very fun and exciting to watch, however struggling to finding the resources combined with the complexity of shooting a scene where things get destroyed may prove very difficult meaning the final result will not be up to expectation. In addition it was also mentioned that the chosen song might be a little too popular. I am going to research songs with a similar tone and mood which would match my idea. The first idea is my favourite at this moment in time because I believe it can be the most impressive as the idea is simple leaving me to be as creative as possible with setting, lighting and camera work. The final idea had the least amount of positive feedback, I believe this is due to the complexity of having four narratives and the unoriginality of it, I somewhat agree with this making it my least favourite idea.
Here is a cut down version of the video feedback I received showing the important comments and criticisms on my ideas:
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