Monday 21 September 2015

Luke's Feedback

After pitching our ideas to Luke we received mixed feedback.

Here were the main points he mentioned:

  • The concept seemed slightly fuzzy. We needed a reason for the boy being in the woods and a conclusion to the video.
  • The impracticalities of shooting in the forrest in winter may effect the outcome of the video
  • The performance aspect of the video, may not link too well with the video.

He suggested some solutions to these issues. Firstly he recommended that the woods wood be the boys home. He would be a creative aesthetic metaphor for the freedom of animals, in comparison to humans. This would be shown by the band performing in a hut, or abandoned house, also somewhere in the woods. This would mean the freedom expressed by the boy, through his dance, would be ironic in the fact that he is free and the humans are trapped however in reality it is the other way around. 

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