Wednesday, 16 September 2015

developing our shortlised ideas

focusing mainly on the boy in the Forrest and the golf club ideas. We used post it notes to document any new ideas that would add to the video and develop the concept.

Firstly the Dancing idea. Max and Ksenia like the simplicity, effectiveness and concept of the dancing video however inspired by the video chandelier they belived this worked and sustained our
attention because the song was so powerful, therefore they thought the song 'Youth' was slightly too repetitive and boring to last the whole 3 minutes. I argued the fact that we could make the visuals interesting enough to last the entire 3 minutes, and develop a cncept to the music video that would keep it flowing despite the singers relaxed tone. But, they convinced me that a more upbeat song would engage the viewer more instead of the possibility that they will grow bored of the video. We considered various songs such as "Marianas trench - Beside You" and "Loreen - I'm in it with you" however in the end we agreed on the song "Too Close by Alex Clare". Even though this is a well known song, we asked various people if they could match the voice to a face and many people said they had no idea what the singer looked like. Therefore, matching a singer to the vocals should not be too much of an issue. We also arose on the issue that the 2 elements (Dancing and Performance) did not match visually. It was suggested that the artists should perform in the woods as well to match the theme. The only thing this video is lacking at this stage is a narrative behind the dancing and a resolution. However the rest of the idea is fully formed.
Here is our brainstorm:

The second Idea with the boys in the golf club still had a variety of issues, and seemed somewhat under developed. Over the course of the discussion the golf club idea slowly turned into a one direction cheesy boyband style music video, which is something i planned to avoid. However creating a commercial product in this style, makes our music video very suiting to todays industry as there is a vast audience for this product. We decided that simply entering a driving range and hitting some fruit was not enough to last the whole 3 minutes, therefore we added a few extra moments that could occur on this night out on the golf course. Such as driving a golf buggy and pushing each other into bunkers. We began to realise how this idea may not be possible in terms of finding the actors to pull it off, and the location and props, Therefore we had a change of thought and consider the thought of turning this into a comedy music video using a variety of locations.

with inspiration from uptown funk and Ok Go, we thought about making a very slick choreographed music video following 4 band members on a car adventure to a variety of locations. This would include a car wash, featuring men provocatively washing their cars to create some humour, a golf driving range, a trampoline park, and a restaurant. The whole time their faces would remain in a natural expression, with the occasional head bopping in time to the music. It would also feature interesting and weird unnatural jump cuts where the characters switch seats in the car.

We are going to pitch our ideas to Luke tomorrow therefore I prepared a Prezi showcasing our ideas:

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