This Sequence uses irony and humour to convey to the audience various information about the leading character played by Ray Winston. The mise en scene conveys to the audience how this man is Rich, careless and rude. There are many key shots that reveal the most information for example:
This shot is the first reveal of the main character. Through this simple overhead shot we can work out many things. The key objects in the frame are the beer, the suntan lotion and the cigarettes. All of these items tell us that this man is completely care free and relaxed, perhaps on holiday. His tan connotes how long he has been sunbathing, maybe in the same routine everyday for weeks, even months.
The use of sound is very effective in this sequence. Non-diegetic sound is firstly used at the very beginning of the scene. We hear a voice over from the main character but we don't see his face. This leads us to focus fully on what we can hear. This use of voice over creates humour. Through the line "roasting" and the shot of this sun, we can work out we are in the POV of a man sunbathing, and this commentary conveys that he's a quirky character. Once the man begins to move Diegetic music kicks in. This music is sassy, and suiting to this mans movement and appearance. We get the impression that this man is confident and careless, this could be a result of having lots of money.
The Editing also conveys a lot to the audience. The way in which specific shots are cut together
conveys subtle meaning, for example this clip on the left, begins with a long shot from above of the man and two love hearts, The director has then made the careful decision to cut to the first shot we see of a woman, driving away. This implicates how this is perhaps his wife. By filming from behind, we also get the impression that this woman is on her way towards the man.
The Genre is difficult to work out from simply this opening sequence. On the surface it appears to be a comedy, although looking carefully at the music and the behaviour of this man may suggest the Crime or Gangster genre. The sequence involving the falling rock confirms this. He has almost no reaction to the huge rolling boulder that could have killed him, this suggests that things like this are a regular occurrence. It also illustrates that he has a lot of money to spare, as he doesn't mind the mess this boulder has created. In conclusion the director has used mostly the mise en scene, especially the acting
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