Wednesday 3 December 2014

Narrative action list

After various group discussions, we have all agreed on a final idea for our thriller. Here is a narrative action list explaining exactly what happens:
  1. Begin with two Establishing shots of picturesque forest, over the top we hear the sound of someone running.
  2. Boy 1 (The murderer) then enters the frame.
  3. The camera follows him as he runs through the forest, we see little of his face.
  4. He is clearly panicked and distraught.
  5. Intense music begins to grow, along with siren sounds.
  6. As we see his expression more clearly as he is running, a flash back cuts in.
  7. Flashback - It shows Boy 2 (The victim) pushing around Boy 1, provoking him, they shout at each other. Boy one is saying under his breath "Stop", as he builds with anger.
  8. Cut back to Boy 1 running, we now begin to realise he is running away.
  9. Flashback - shows boy 1 exploding with anger, boy 2 has pushed him to the limit. He throws him down to the floor and punches him in the face.
  10. Cut back to running. He now starts to slow and stumble as he tires and begins to break down.
  11. The camera tracks up to reveal one side of his face. Reveal that he is a teenager. He is crying.
  12. He hits his own head, as if to get the thoughts out of his mind as we cut to another flashback.
  13. Flashback - Boy 2 bursts back at boy 1 for punching him, They both struggle. Boy 1 defends and resists boy 2's attack. Blood from his wound drips onto boy 1's face.
  14. Boy 1 now fully stops running, he falls to his knees and begins to cry in the middle of the forrest. camera tracks from one side of his face to the other, revealing a big splatter of blood on his cheek. he looks at the blood on his hands. As we see the blood, the music turns to a high tension, synth sound.
  15. Flashback - great struggle between the two. boy 1 pushes boy 2 away. As boy 2 crazily ludges towards boy 1 to attack him again, boy 1 swings a log uppercutting boy 2. On the impact the screen cuts to black.
  16. Echoed screaming from boy 2, boy 1 crying and distant sirens can be heard as the synth noise fades out.
  17. Title reveal.

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