Wednesday 3 December 2014

Character List & Description

There are two characters in our thriller:
  • CASPER the murderer who is running through the forest;
  • RICKY the victim who is shown in the flashback scenes.
We decided that our main character should be about 17-18 years old (A2 student). Tall and sporty so that he can run without any problems for a whole day. He needs to look innocent and unlikely to be a murder. Someone who appears smart and clever. We also require someone with very good acting ability to communicate the fury building within him as he is provoked by Ricky. He also needs to convey the emotion at the end of the sequence where he breaks down. Our film will not be effective unless he can convincingly convey this on camera.
The Actor portraying Ricky also requires good acting ability. This character needs to show extreme rage and adrenaline as he fights back casper leading to the murder. He also needs to look intimidating, like a bully, short hair with a tough looking face; Very different to Casper.

Basic Description:
Capser: Male, 18, white, physically fit, good looking, smart and innocent-looking.
Ricky: Male, 18, white, strong, tough, Bully-like.

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