Tuesday 2 December 2014

Idea Development

After some more group discussions we have now decided to discard the second half of our sequence. We now will only see the boy running through the forest without the section where the mother is informed by the police. We did this in order to focus our storyline to one moment. We also researched murder, and how the police inform parents, and they very rarely tell the parents themselves, they are either spoken to by a lawer, or the person themselves.
We have also decided to add flashbacks in order to make clear what is going on without giving away too much.

We also think it is an important factor of the storyline that the murderer and the victim are both teenagers. So we have decided to hide their identity until the end of the sequence showing just shots of the murderers body as he runs until the end of the running sequence where the boy will break down to the floor as he has a realisation of what he has just done. This is where we will reveal the Murders face, with a distraught expression and a splatter of blood on one side.

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