Rough cut
On the first day of editing we had to recoup some of the things we learnt at the very start of the school year when editing our pre-lim's. We started by putting our original footage into a newly created 'rush bin'. We then simply sifted through all of our footage made an assessment of clips we were likely to use and put these into the 'log bin.' After the footage was organised we then began editing. We initially made an extremely rough cut by following our storyboard and test shoot. seen as the sequence was very much all over the place, and could be edited in a variety of different ways, it was a very tough task. However we ended up with quite a long film, but at least an idea of the direction it would take. From this we could then cut, move, and delete clips to form a more realistic cut. We firstly edited all the visuals and brought sound in later, which I found difficult as the sequence looked very dull without musical accompaniment. we picked up some useful tips such as that clips should be introduced at the last possible moment and cut from at the first possible moment. This stops the film from dragging and becoming boring.

Change of direction
After recieving this criticism we had to seriously rethink the order of our sequence. We contemplated different ways in which we could order our sequence to sustain interest and we began to think about

viewers mind. We then placed in the fighting sequence, ending on the intense closeup of Harry where he decides to confront Gabe. Once we had perfected this version of our thriller we asked our classmates what their opinion was now. We had some mixed

Pleased with our cut we then focused on our titles. We pictured these to be big and impactful. so we experimented with different effects on the text, and in the end decided to use photoshop to add smudges and blurs to the words, which we would then cut together rapidly making the text flicker around and hopefully excite the viewer.
We began by Choosing a font, we wanted something exciting that reflected the title such as scorch marks on the letters, however we couldnt do this without downloading a font from the intenet, and as we were short for time, we chose to go for a basic font which we would then edit in photoshop to look more interesting. We chose the font

After our footage was completely perfected and refined, we had to add sound. We originally planned to use a soundtrack the whole way through, as the dialogue between Harry and Gabe was all improvised, and would not make much sense. But after listening to the dialogue in the shots we had chosen, it appeared to work very well without revealing anything about why there were there, it was mostly shouting. Therefore we experimented with this audio, by compressing it, add a lot of reverb and echo which left a brilliant almost surreal effect on the dialogue. We built from this adding a constant beating drum throughout which built in tension at exciting moments. After this we added in large reversed thuds on the moments were Gabe gets hit. After this our Thriller was pretty much completed.
Finishing touches
Very pleased with our thriller we watched it over several times, looking for imperfections or mistakes, and we noticed how we had cut shots together where Harry is running left to right, with ones here he runs right to left,. Making it look like harry has completely changed direction. We resolved this by flipping the shots, meaning it would appear he is running the opposite direction. Once we had done this we were finished, and uploaded the video to youtube.
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