Wednesday 11 March 2015

Evaluation task 4 - Who would be the audience for your Thriller?

After actually making our thriller, we thought it would be important and interesting to discover what our target audience would be in the real world. This would be useful in a real environment as it would gave the production company clues as to how they would market the film, and what demographic they would aim the campaign towards. In order to do this I went to london and interviewed a varied sample of people in the street, to interview them on thrillers in general to obtain some information about what they like and are interested in.

My own initial idea of target audience is around 15-30. As well as being a social realist thriller, at the heart of the plot is a detective/investigation story. It is quite uncommon to find low budget investigation thrillers, that tell dark stories of troubled teens. Most commonly these types of films are made on a larger budget. However I believe this will pull in audiences from both those who watch investigation thrillers and social realist films which tend to be in this age range.

I interviewed 6 people: 3 females 3 males, at the age ranges 16-25, 26-39 and 40+

The questions were ;

1. How old are you?

2.What is your favourite genre of film?

4. What do you like about thrillers?

5. Do you like social realist films?

6. Do you like mystery/detective films?

7. Would you go to watch a movie about a teenager who kills another teenager, and struggles to hide this from his father who is a detective and his mother who is an alcoholic?

The responses are featured here in this video:

Here is a powerpoint analysing the responses and discussing my target audience:

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