'The 1975'
Their campaign has very synergistic elements to it, that conform to the indie/ hipster style. The bands appeal or Unique selling point is in the fact that they seem different, individual and simply interested in the music and not the image. However when looking at their campaign closely, the similar theme and style featured in all of their media products is clearly a very well thought out image, that appeals to a current audience which is looking for something 'Hipster' and 'Indie'.
Their website follows a black and white colour theme, featuring a range of Polaroid style images in black and white from their concerts and backstage. Both these elements are typical of the 'Indie' look. The minimalism of the website and content in the images further encapsulate the idea that they are all about the music. The fact that they are never looking towards the camera suggests a nonchalant ambivalent attitude towards the industry they work in. This image is very cool and current
On the Store section of their website, they feature merchandise with the exact same colour scheme and style, using black and white and their signifcant logo:

This use of synergy spreads wider recognition for the band. Those who wear the t-shirts will advertise them, helping to build a bigger fan base.
'The 1975'
Again, it is evident to see the same style in terms of font, colour scheme and shape on the cover of their debut album - 'The 1975'. A prominent part of the cover is the text. It is the clear 1975 logo in a slightly more LED, illuminated style. The text however is clear and the focal point of the cover. As their first album it is unsurprising how the album is titled 'The 1975'. The marketing team behind the band are intending to force the bands name out to as many people as possible therefore associating their music with their name. This builds more awareness for the band and leaves no confusion for the audience on who this band is. Establishing a clear image for the band is crucial for the first album and it is clear they have chosen the 'indie rock' route, with a black and white colour pallet and a simplistic style.
In the music video to the song chocolate they have persisted with the indie look. The first thing to notice is the video is in black and white. It appears that this particular band in all of their indie temperament have not yet discovered colour.
The video also features smoking. This contributes to the youthful careless attitude they seem to be portraying. They have clearly targeted teens as their audience through establishing a very cool and laid back image for the band.
This band has an entirely synergistic campign, through maintaining the same 'indie', new and cool style Throughout all of their medias.
Jesse J
Jesse J is an English Singer/Songwriter specifically in the Genres of Pop ad R&B. She Is a very well known artists for hit singles such as 'Do it like a dude', 'Who you are', 'price tag' and 'Domino'.
As stated on her website:
'There’s nothing typical about her. In person and on stage, she’s got a spunky panache, but it’s laced with a timeless elegance. Musically, she can just as easily echo Motown soul as well as she can nod to nineties hip-hop. Blessed with an astounding voice and natural knack for a hook, she redefines what’s possible within pop as she upholds its traditions. In other words, Jessie J always remains one-of-a-kind. That’s why she’s quickly become the consummate 21st century superstar and a palpable and powerful pop culture force.'
By her marketing team Jesse J has clearly been defined as a talented artist with a quirky and fun personality. She is portrayed in this way to appeal to the clear intended demographic of teenage girls and mums. This persona is maintained through her entire marketing campaign.
'Sweet Talker'
The album Uses the sam colour scheme and iconic font as on the website. This cover uses sex appeal to draw attention. The albums title sweet talker is positioned specifically in between her legs drawing our eyes to look here. She is also wearing little clothing however is still dressed stylishly maintaining the black and gold colour theme. The album is very commercial and synthetic, there are no imperfections portraying her as a specimen of perfection and an idol to her fans.