Monday 10 November 2014

First Group Discussion

Today we were placed into random groups in which we will make our Thriller Opening Sequence. In my group is: Me, Grace, Bertie and Ksenia.
We had our first discussion, where we proposed each of our ideas and decided which ones were the strongest. We combined and developed them to produce two main ideas, which we felt could be effectively portrayed on screen to evoke tension in our audience. 'Embers' and 'Room 7' are the ideas we came up with:

Idea 1: Embers
  • Begin with slow motion flashes of someone screaming in a forest, flashes of fire and water. The person is clearly distraught. As the tension reaches its peak, fast cut to a close up of a mother, breathing heavily, accompanied by a doorbell, change to slow motion, music kicks in. Police at the door, without audio they tell this mother the bad news that her son has commit murder in slow motion to an epic song, she breaks down.
  • The whole film tells the story of a family that was once very rich but has now broken apart. After being provoked by a bully the main character a boy of 15 takes out his family problems on the bully and kills him accidentally. The Father who works as a detective, investigates the crime without knowing his son is the criminal. The mum discovers what the boy has done without telling her husband. Arguments begin to start in the family as the Father knows that they are hiding something. The father begins to have an affair, whilst the Mother and son try their best to destroy every bit of evidence the father finds which could lead him to discover who the murderer is. After a huge family argument, the Mother, who is drunk, engages in a physical fight, when she discovers that he has had an affair. He ends up hitting his wife as she goes crazy, and the son screams at his dad before he makes the revelation the his son is the murderer. He has the choice to either protect his son, or put him in prison. He decides to turn in his police badge before leaving the town and not reporting the crime. 
Idea 2: Room 7
  • Opens with a man waking up in a room, it is cold and bleak, He is dazed and confused, lots of intense close up, with slow movement of his head, after a few seconds he properly wakes up, he is out of breath and scared. He realises he is in danger. He stands up and walks over to the wall, where there are scratching saying things such as “Help Me!”…. “Your going to die in here”… He looks at his distorted reflection in a smashed mirror. There is also a table with scalpels and surgical equipment on. We see the mans fear. He slowly walks towards it, there is a key hole, he bends down to look through the keyhole, pause for a few seconds, suddenly an eye appears through the key hole, shot of the door which says “Room 7”
  • The film is about a testing facility which is secretly funded by the government. In order to understand certain things about humans, testing which includes torture is necessary. A 17 year old boy is kidnapped and brought to the lab. Although speaking to the subjects is banned, a cleaner at the facility makes contact with the boy. The cleaner helps to free the boy, so they can expose the truth to the public, and get the place shut down.

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